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Thu, 26 Apr 2001 07:44:41 EDT
Faith Pollifrone <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
I wanted to know if when ferrets decide to climb up something can they
climb down, are they stuck up there or can they actually climb back down?
Like my rabbit cage.  It's quite tall probably about 6ft tall (it's 4
levels).  He loves climbing up it but can he safely get down once he's up
there???  What about stairs?  My little guy loves to run up and down the
stairs after the kitty.  Is that ok?  My other concern is the cat's
litterbox.  I use clumping cat litter, he doesn't seem to go in it but if
he does (gotta ask because as soon as I say he doesn't he probably will) is
that a bad thing?  Or should I find a way to put it somewhere he can't get
to (hopefully the cat would still go to that extreme to use it) unless
someone has a suggestion to keep him out of it.
I figure it's better to ask than find out the hard way.  Cyrano's been
insisting he wants to play with Olivia (kitty) and yesterday's play brought
up those concerns.  I've been seeing him climb and I'm wondering just how
good he is at coming back down.  :-( Olivia seems to like playing chase
with him.  One second he's chasing her, the next she's chasing him, and the
next the dog is joining in too with helping to chase Olivia or batting at
Cyrano.  (They're only playing so I know they're ok with eachother.)
I also kind of walked Cyrano yesterday.  We took turns walking eachother or
him bunny hopping real fast and me jogging to keep up. :-)   His favorite
thing was digging in the compost.  Kind of yucky but entertaining.  Along
with what I call surfing (don't know what it's really called when he slides
along without using his front feet) on the dirt road and through the grass.
Probably seems more like swimming but for some reason surfing popped into
my head and that's what I keep calling it.  It also seemed like whenever he
heard a car he'd try to race it when it got alongside.  A losing battle but
funny all the same.
I've got admit that the funniest thing was when he first walked outside
through the front hall and out the door, his first action was to go and try
to climb up our goat who was laying on the porch enjoying the nice sunny
day.  Needless to say she was not amused and immediately jumped up and
Cyrano then thought that was a cool game called "Let's get the moving leg."
Bella was having none of that and after the shock of him having gotten a
leg bigger than I thought he'd be brave enough to get so soon (because no
one who knows that goat picks on her...she does her own picking on people
when she feels like it)...I pulled him away.  Bella went into the shed to
hide and stayed in there the whole time he was out and everytime he
ventured near the door she got defensive.  I really don't blame her...he
loves attacking white things and she happens to be an all white goat. :-(
Other than that it seemed like he had insomnia or something he actually
stayed awake a lot yesterday about 4-5 hours and made no move except in the
morning to go back to bed!  Must be mornings he needs to catch up on his
beauty sleep or he knows I'm too tired to let him do much of anything other
than play in the 2 safe rooms. :-)  But he was up at noon yesterday to play
which usually he goes back to sleep.  Do they have some sort of sleep
The cheweasel...it sat in his dish until either Olivia or Sheldon
(dog)stole it and ate it on him.  Doesn't matter much he didn't want it so
it seemed.  He's still got that goofy eat when he's hungry thing going and
the only other thing he eats is a couple raisins at a time.  He hasn't
stole food off our plate in almost a week now which is surprising because
before he would steal piece after piece after piece.  Now if only Sheldon
would do that (not steal food that is).  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 3400]