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Wed, 25 Apr 2001 19:25:33 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
:: Smoke arises,,, and beautiful furry creatures called ferrets gallop
through the billows of smoke.  They turn their heads and await something.
A rhythmic squeaking is heard.  A big thing is pulling a tiny red wagon
filled with something.  The thing rises slowly, and shows a stunning
womanly figure.  She throws her hood back...:::
Pant pant pant!  Hello ferret puppets!  My wagon motor died from all the
moving we've been doing.  Yes, moving!  We have our dream puppets... a new
home.  Our first home.  A home that would not have been possible without
our ferrets ... ah but that is another story.  I must grease these wagon
wheels with laxitone, and gas up this baby soon.
I had to stop my packing ... to come tell you of some visions I've had.
Yes, puppets, visions.  Visions of Kouris Fan Klub expanding to our
northern neighbor.  Yes, I think there is to be a ferret representative
there for all donations, and members furry and human alike.  The ferrets
name is,,, is.... T...T.... T-something.  ::she bangs her head with her
staff:: TOBIAS.  Yes, that's it ... his mommy said he would be responsible
for handling all Canadian business at hand for the club.  Lynda G. you must
be so very proud!
OH and there is so much more.  All charter members are to be entered in
that drawing don't you know.  That contest... doowoppy.  Yes, all sorts of
prizes, puppets.  So if you are not a member yet, please get on the ball
because the winds tell me they are extending the deadline to the 5th!!!
So that gives you plenty of time to visit the site and mail in your
memberships.  It helps SOS!  I can't tell you who is going to win until you
all enter puppets.  So get on the ball!  Its a dollar minimum a membership.
Two dollars for a family.  So generous.  So no matter what everyone is
welcome ... even if you don't have much money you see.  The site has many
fund raising activities... I see something to do with hair..and something
coming in the future...ah but its too blurry.
I see lots of shedding out there... ::scratching my head:: ... shedding...
hair... shedding ... hair..  hmmmm.  Theres got to be something there.  Oh
well, anyway, enjoy the day.  It's spring.  And ferrets just love the new
grass, and flowers.  Carpe diem.... there not here long my friends.
::Picking up several depends that have fallen out of the wagon, and off she
goes..back into the smoke::
"cough cough!!  Asthma!  Cough cough, wheres my danged inhaler?!"
Please visit:
for information on KOURIS CLUB:
[Posted in FML issue 3399]