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Mon, 16 Apr 2001 11:07:47 -0700
Tanya Grave <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi Lisa,
Just wanted to post my experience with Kitten replacement formula.  I
endorse it 100%!
This morning I found my 5 y/o female collapsed and dehydrated on the cage
floor.  She was laying in feces and urine.  I immediately began syringe
feeding her the milk formula and she came right back.  I have her at the
office with me now and am syringe feeding her every 2-4 hours.  I'm also
supplementing with a duck soup recipe that I made.
Snickers has been on this milk formula for over 5 months now.  Both my
local vet and Dr. Williams has approved of this supplement and said she can
be on it indefinately.  I believe it has saved her life over these past 5
months.  I almost lost Snickers to a severe septic infection.  She would
not eat or drink anything I made for her.  So I went to the pet store and
came across the milk formula.  From the beginning she liked the taste and
drank it rapidly.  I mix mine with water and the dehyradated formula, and
in the past soy milk.  But I think the soy milk was drying out her coat
and making it brittle.  So I stopped adding it.
It has proven to be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for my
sick ferret, so I give it a thumbs up.  But also keep in mind that it does
not replace their normal kibble and if given to healthy ferrets, it could
make them fat.  I stock it on my shelves 24/7.  After todays episode, I
will always make certain it is available for emergencies.
[Posted in FML issue 3390]