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Thu, 12 Apr 2001 12:01:20 -0400
Ferrets - R - uS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
I'm sorry to all who have lost fur kids lately, they are with us for such
a short time.
Dating with ferrets:
now that I'm single I've discovered that being "my" age and what "I"
remember as dating has really changed.  But I've discovered something....
Well, it's the start of a "long" weekend for me, lots of time with the fur
I live right across the street from the town park, and I've been looking
for a chance to show off the three new kids.  So I harness up Angel, the
snow white DEW, LOKI bear, the big cuddly shy guy, and Buddy the happy guy
(formally known as Lucifer).  They all were very well behaved during the
"saddling up" process.  So, off we go to the park.  Trees were climbed,
stones were investigated, and squirrels were stalked.
Ducks were a wonderment to be chased, Big 'ol LOKI Bear just sprang to
life at the sight of ducks, he would run a few inches and just jump, he
didn't get anywhere, he'd just jump up.  The poor guy would jump then look
up at me, then he'd try it again...Buddy, was deeply involved with grass
snorkeling, and weeds sniffing and rock tipping.  When the breeze would
pick up he'd raise his nose to the air and close his eyes, as if to
silently say, "Thank you" to the breeze..
Angel was so busy charming the tourists she didn't get to go any duck
chasing.  She was the people greeter, she wanted to meet everyone.  I have
to admit ferret walking is a great way to meet girls, What girl can resist
a "helpless" guy trying to water three fur kids at the water fountain?
I mean where else can you look at a lady and ask her "Want to hold my
weasel?" and not get your face slapped.  And I just can't resist the old
line of "I'm glad to see you and Yes, that is a weasel in my pocket."  The
line of "Want to smell my ferrets tail, it really does smell like lilac?"
has to be approached with extreme caution.
I'm glad to say only one person asked if they were "giant hamsters", It
only took a moment to convince them ferrets were not "hamsters" but big
furry fluff balls.
All three of the new kids were wonderful ambassadors, and were so cute
rolling on their backs for short naps as people would stop to watch or
ask questions.
There is always something fun about watching the fur kids have the breeze
rustle through their fur, the sun lights up the colors in the fur so
Maybe I could start a ferret rental service, something like "Rent Furry
chick magnets"
no, I didn't get a single phone number, but I did get to share a small ice
cream cone and a sunny spring day and get kisses from big happy LOKI the
bear, kisses from that big shy guy are better than gold.
It was a good morning...
[Moderator's note: So, now that 320 women and 28 guys on the FML want to
know where you are located, why don't you mention it next time?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3386]