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Sun, 1 Apr 2001 12:18:41 -0700
Nikki LEXEL <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Hi!  This goes out to everyone, especially Chad who inquired about camping
with ferrets.
We go camping EVERY summer with our ferrets!  My husband built a cage:
4' x 2' x 2' - made out of a wooden frame, covered by 1/2" x 1/2" wire
mesh.  The wire mesh is also covered by "window/screen" meshing which keeps
out all the bugs.  The first layer of wire mesh is there because if you had
only the screen meshing the ferrets would probably scratch their way thru
it.  The cage is stored in pieces (individual panels) and then put together
when we get to our campsite.  There are little loops on EACH section which
we then use plastic "zap-straps" or "ties" to bind together.  These zap
straps are available at any home hardware store, or even "dollar stores".
The great thing about this cage is practically anyone could build it and
you can totally dismantle it when you don't need it for easy storage.
There are hooks to hang a hammock.  There are holes in the "screen" meshing
where their water bottle & food dish hangs.  Additional blankets & their
litter box fit very well on the bottom.  (Note: the bottom is made out of
one solid piece of wood, however, it is covered with a piece of laminate
(counter top) for easy cleaning and siliconed around the edges so ferret
"mishaps" won't ruin the wood.
I want to make a point of saying that we have never had a problem with
overheating or too much sun exposure.  We have never had a problem with
birds or runaways as they are ALWAYS on their leash.  When we go to the
beach they are in their carrier for only a short time.  When you take
ferrets camping or anywhere outdoors where it is hot, you always have to
be aware of heat, sunstroke, dehydration and dangers.  We always are.
We take them all the time!  Their cage is in our large tent (12' x 12' x 6'
tall) at night and during the day they are in their cage outside.  We
ALWAYS make sure to get a sight with shade and partially cover their cage
so they don't have direct sun.  They come onto the beach with us, into the
parks, and we always take a poop scooper and bag to clean up messes so no
one can complain.  People, especially kids are thrilled when they see them.
So, yes it is possible, with a little planning to not have to leave your
"family" at home.  Our ferrets love it too, they get out alot and also
spend alot of time sleeping as the fresh air and walks really tire them
(P.S.  We always make sure: They have their distemper & rabies shots up to
date and we use Advantage for fleas, which they get all through the spring
& summer months.  We also always take their vet certificates so if there
are any problems ~ none yet ~ we have paperwork showing they are
Best of luck - it's quite the experience.
Nikki & the Kidz
[Posted in FML issue 3375]