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Thu, 29 Mar 2001 08:41:29 EST
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
First I want to say that I run a ferret shelter.  I am not condemning
Ferretguy for doing so.  I wish there were more shelters.
But, I do need to say that if I lived next to him, I'd be complaining to
the city.  I wouldn't want to live next to or near someone with a vending
machine in their yard.  Or auto seats, household furnishings or anything
else that is not "normal" yard furniture.
Having that type of thing going on in a neighborhood definitely brings down
property values, as well as lengthening days on market for home sales.
I am able to contain all needed items for my shelter in my home (which
isn't that big).  From the outside there is no indication that there is a
shelter.  When my volunteers come over, it is one or two at a time, and
as far as the neighbors are concened, I have friends visiting.  If I take
shelter or ferret related items outdoors, such as to clean them, I bring
them back in immediately after using the item.  I take rather great lengths
to keep my home orderly (especially the yard and porches) and not stand out
in the neighborhood, for the exact purpose of not running into trouble with
the town.
I feel that as long as I remain low key, and there is no indication of the
shelter, there will be no reason for anyone to complain.  My guess is that
90% of my neighbors don't even know it exists, which is just fine by me.
They do know I have ferrets, which is important so if one ever gets out it
increases the chances I'll get it back.  But they don't know how many, and
that I am a shelter.
I have made complaints about people in my neighborhood storing household
furniture, car seats, old appliances and such on their porches and
property.  It becomes an eyesore, not to mention a possible safety hazard.
Rather than car seats and such, why not invest a few dollars in folding
lawn chairs that can be stored when not in use?  How about a nice shed in
back to put your vending machine in?  I'm not trying to be rude, but the
way you described your property the other day, it sounded like "Sanford
and Son", and even if I liked you--not saying I don't, I wouldn't want it
next to me.
I have to agree with Beth that you should just pay the fines on the
violations and be done with it.  The violations were for eyesores, not the
shelter.  You have basically brought the shelter into what was a property
situation, not a shelter situation with the way I am understanding the
Some times you need to pick your fights.  I'm afraid you may have picked
yours wrong, and your ferrets will suffer for it.
[Posted in FML issue 3372]