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Wed, 28 Mar 2001 21:47:50 -0800
Crystal Lagerbom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I really thought they might grow out of this, or that if I could find the
perfect piece of meat they would munch happily upon it, but no, not my two
little ones.  My ferrets are both neutered, de-scented brothers, one being
a sable and the other is a real mixture and has turned out to be deaf.  Not
that any of this bothers me, what bothers me is that no matter what I do,
my little boys absolutely refuse to eat meat of any kind.
I have tried cooked meat ( all kinds including lamb and veal), wet dog and
cat food, meat flavoured baby food, raw meat of all kinds and even eggs!
But nope the only meat flavoured items they will eat is their Iams Chicken
and Rice cat food, their chicken flavoured ferret treats and their
laxatone.  I have even tried putting some ferretone (which they adore)
onto the various meat products I offer them, but they absolutely refuse.
They will smell the food, look at me funny and then avoid the bowl with
the offending meat at great lengths until I remove it.
I want them to eat a more natural diet so I can wean them off their dry cat
food (for fear of ADV and adrenal diseases) but I don't seem able to.  They
hound me for my canned fruit, carrots, onions, cereal, crackers, ice cream,
milk, roasted seaweed, cheese and peanut butter but will not touch my
steak, pork chop or drumstick!  HELP!  Does anyone have any ideas as to
what I can do, I really do want them to eat a more natural diet but am
scared of starving them if I remove their cat food entirely.
Help please! For the sake of all the meat that goes bad in my ferret food
dish- help!
I thank everyone who responds in advance for any ideas they might be able
to offer me.
Apache and Neo - my two little weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3371]