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Wed, 28 Mar 2001 21:17:35 EST
Sara Welden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi I got the little boy.  It looks like he is adrenal.  HE has a bare tail.
I don't see any black heads and they said they don't think he had any when
the hair lose started.  But he also was eating Walmart ferret food.  I
think Walmart carries a cheap 8-1 but I know its not good food.  I hope its
not adrenal but the chances are high that it is.  He came with two rubber
ducks one is chewed up good pieces falling off.  In the trash they go.
Already gave him his laxatone.
on another subject went to a pet store today.  Not working yet so i go
check out all the stores look at and play with babies.  the one i went to
today had 2 more since the last time they still have the baby I'm in love
with but husband said no.  but any way the 2 new babies one was skinny but
not as skinny as the other little boy who was dehydrated and a lot skinnier
than the other one so i took him to the front counter showed them he was
dehydrated had them fill his little ribs.  the response oh they always come
to us this skinny.  WHAT !!  so they are not going to do anything so i took
the baby back to the cage moistened the kitten food and got him to eat a
little.  in the morning I'm going to go in with my can of baby food and a
bottle of milk and sit and feed the 2 babies I don't have the funds to buy
him I'm not working as of yet since my move from California.  But that also
brings up another think all of us who love ferrets and can't stand to see
an animal suffer we go in there and buy the skinniest one so we know they
are not going to suffer.  but what does that lead to another shipment of
babies to young to be away from Mom, so it starts all over again How can we
stop this.  I'm new to seeing ferrets in pet stores being from a state that
they are illegal is it always like this ??  what can we do to stop it ???
Sara and my gang of ten now
[Posted in FML issue 3371]