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Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:41:26 EST
Judy Gronwold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
In a message dated 3/25/01 2:01:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, Danee Devore
>What if a foster program was set up for ADV positive ferrets in ADV
>positive shelters.  I know that some shelters run foster programs for
>their permanent residents, but rather then an individual shelter program,
>I am talking about a national program.  If possible, it would be run
>through a qualifying non-profit organization, so that amounts given would
>be tax deductible.
I think this is a great idea...and something that there is an increasing
need for.  It would be very beneficial if it could be worked out through a
tax exempt entity for the people who wish to donate.
I had a similar idea which I hadn't posted yet.  There are pictures of ADV
positive ferrets on the "Faces of ADV" page of White Russian's web site
(see URL below my name).  I thought perhaps a person could go to the page
and choose a ferret to "sponsor".  Money, food, bedding, etc.  could be
sent to the person that is caring for that ferret.  Pictures and updates
would be provided to the donating party and their name could be posted
under the picture as being that ferret's sponsor.  In most cases, it
wouldn't be tax deductible, but it certainly would provide needed help.
The thing is...from reading the FML...and seeing the generosity of people
who donate when there is a major "rescue"...I KNOW the money is out there.
People have a little money to spare when there is a need.  Perhaps you
don't want to donate to ADV research...or have donated, but want to help
in some other way.  This would be perfect for you.
Although I can understand the reasons, it saddens me to see that people
post when their ferrets test negative for ADV...but VERY few post when they
find positives.  This gives FML readers a false sense of security...that
ADV isn't very widespread...that it won't affect them.  That just isn't
Also, while I was happy that people were so generous for the NJ rescues, I
was, at the same time, saddened that while over $4,000.00 was sent to help
the NJ rescues within a few weeks, ADV research has only received about
that same amount in over a year.
Another way you could help would be to print out the information on ADV and
mail it to the vets in your city and/or state.  The more vets that are
aware that ADV is rearing it's ugly head, the more will push their clients
to test, especially those people that aren't online or that don't subscribe
to mailing lists.
DON'T think it won't happen to you.  Two sweet ferrets were just turned in
to a shelter from a private party...and both are ADV positive.  I'd venture
a guess that the person that surrendered them doesn't even know what ADV is.
ADV positive ferrets do NEED YOUR HELP!  Please?
Please give to Aleutian Disease research...the ferret you save may be your
[Posted in FML issue 3369]