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Mon, 26 Mar 2001 18:53:55 -0800
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi all
Sorry this one is late.  One waz requested by another.  It seems like with
da coming of spring dat some want to come where it is always spring.
A little girl came in named Blossom.  She waz met by George, Dakota,
Samantha, Sammy and Max.  They greeted her very warmly especially George.
They were really interested in all da gossip and news at home.  They sat
down and talked for some time together.  After everyone waz caught up they
headed over to Babyfood Balconey to get something to eat as Blossom said
she waz a little hungry.  After da snack they were off to explore and see
da sights.  When da Ferretvite Festival opened they headed over dat way
to do a lot of dancing and to party a little.  They lapped up a lot of
ferretvite and danced da night away.  After being thrown out when it closed
they went over to sleep it off at Hammock Haven.  Blossom said to send her
luv to her mommy along with lots of hugs and kisses.
Another little girl came in named Harley Quinn.  She waz met by Trouble.
He waz happy to see someone from home.  He wanted to know what waz
happening and going on at home.  She filled him in on all da happenings
there.  They talked for some time.  Then they headed off to explore
everything and see all da sights and attractions.  They explored for some
time.  Then it waz over to da Flying Lessons to try out her new wings.  I
assigned an instructor to oversee her training as Trouble said he would do
it.  She didn't do to bad and waz a quick study.  However da landings did
leave a lot to be desired.  Luckily from past experience we now keep a
muzzle specialized here at da Flying Lesson.  He waz able to fix up her
bent nose good as new.  It waz just a little bent and not broken.  She
said to send lots of luv and kisses to her mommy and daddy.
A little guy came in later named Chomper.  He waz met by Buddy and Digger.
They greeted him warmly and there waz hugs all around.  Then da gossiping
and news telling started.  This lasted for some time with frequent breaks
to da Fruit Bar for a snack and fortification.  After their talk they
headed off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  They ended up
over at da Sock Steal Game where they were in competition to steal da most
socks.  They used all their expertise at finding and hiding things but to
no avail.  They didn't win but they didn't do dat bad either and they did
get a lot of socks for their hidey holes as they can keep all they find.
So they headed off to Dirt Mountain with their booty to stash it.  Chomper
said to send hiz luv to hiz mommy along with lots of hugs and cuddles.
Well I am off for a np.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3369]