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Sun, 25 Mar 2001 14:23:04 -0600
Larry McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
My condolences to all who have lost their babies, or have ill ones.
On Tuesday my Fang, little silver mitt dancing/talking bundle of energy
goes in for her adrenal surgery.  I don't know which adrenal is affected
yet.  Taking the advice of Dr. Williams I saved the money for the surgery,
rather than the ultrasound.
She was diagnosed with it in January, when I took Socks for his.  She'd
been showing signs, but the vet confirmed it.  Since that time her vulva
has become tremendously swelled, but she still has a blast.  So if you all
wouldn't mind, please send good thoughts her way.  We'll be out of town
(the vet that does the surgery is three hours away) from Monday thru
Wednesday night.
We're also in the process of moving, so this is like 'hell week'.  But
the funny thing is, the more open space upstairs the more wound up and
talkative the fuzzies are.  It's like WOW look, more room to run.  We're
definitely giving them lots more love so they don't stress out (me being
stressed is enough).  I've let them, ahem, help pack clothes and various
things, have had to rescue my Christmas beanie bear from Calvin.  The fun
thing on the move will be we'll be on one level, not two, and they'll be
able to be with us all the time!  We're getting rid of the couch and will
have a futon, am making sure all is ferret proofed.
Better scoot-the chicken gravy is ready to be made.
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste
 good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 3368]