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Sat, 24 Mar 2001 09:29:58 EST
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
::A mist appears, and a tiny motor is heard in the distance.  A petite
flower of a woman is seen on a miniture red radio flyer wagon.  It zooms
up.  And the robed figure rises out of the wagon, white depends fall out of
the wagon.  A figure makes its way through the mist... a man with a ferret
upon his shoulder.  Many gorgious critters surround these two ... critters
called ferrets::
Greetings yon ferret heads!  I bring good tidings!  A little "kitty"
informed me that there are two very special people about to celebrate
birthdays.  One is a sweet man... a man with many, many ferrets.  He takes
in the wee ones, and "nurses" them.  Oh he has a nice fuzy face!  No wonder
the wee ones gravitate to him.  The kitty has told me his name is Ron!
Ron C!  Oh happy days!
The little kitty told me more...... another special ferret person among us
is to celebrate a birthday... a ferret mommy who is a great advocate for
the most ill of ferrets.  The name is Judy!  Judy G!  Joyous times!
I had a wonderful secret in my wagon.... something about the Khouri Klub!
It was a website yes!  Bravo!  I will have to search through my depends and
find it.  yes.  Then I will be back.
I'm sorry if I've been missing... but I have been grieving over the loss of
my magic hairball.  My staff is so naked without it.  And its hard to be
magical without a magic hariball you know.
Well there you have it...
::She turns and climbs into the wagon.  The galant man with the ferret on
his shoulder quietly dissapears into the mist with the pretty creatures.
The great robed one then zooms off into the mist::
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3367]