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Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:25:10 -0500
"Jennifer D. Ellis" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I'm sure a dozen people will respond to this. :)  The kind of staggering
you're describing is indicative of mold hind end weakness, which can be
caused by a lot of different things.  Given the age of your ferret and the
behavior you describe, I would lean toward a blood sugar problem, but there
are other possibilities.  If you have any karo syrup on hand, try giving
her a lick or two, or rub it on her gums.  Molasses or maple syrup will
also work.  If her glucose levels are low, she should recover rapidly.
Even if the problem is something else, the sugar will probably give her a
burst of energy.
Also check to see if she's dehydrated.  Extreme dehydration can also lead
to hind end weakness.  If her scruff doesn't snap back into place after you
pinch it, try encouraging her to take some pedialyte.  If she won't drink
it, use a syringe and slowly squirt it into her mouth, sideways.  Don't
squirt it straight down her throat. :)
If this is insulinoma,the good news is that it's very treatable, with
surgery if your fert is a good surgical candidate, and if she's not, a
good diet and exercise regimen can probably keep her happy and healthy for
years.  Definitely get to a vet as soon as possible, of course.  I'm sure
you've been there by now, but since you're an anonymous poster I had to
send this to the list.  Let us know how she's doing!
Jen and the (Still) Crazy Business
[Posted in FML issue 3364]