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Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:56:14 EST
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I just wanted to let anyone travelling with pets that there has been a
significant policy change at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry - which is distinctly
pet-unfriendly.  According to the Delaware River and Bay Authority (the
guys that run the ferry) FDA regulations prohibit pets inside the passenger
areas!  The reason is due to the fact that the food service area has no
On January 6th, while traveling back from KiSta Ferret Shelter we were
asked to remove our ferrets which were in carriers from the passenger decks
because of a new policy change.  We were told that they must either remain
in the car or be outside of the salon area as the FDA had banned pets from
the food service areas.  The questions that I asked the DRBA was: Why were
we allowed to have them inside the terminal areas - food is prepared and
served in a similar matter and we were not asked to remove our pets.  When
did this change and what is the applicable code?  Why if I were a foot
passenger (I was a drive-on passenger) would my pets have been allowed
inside?  What kind of accomodations, if any, are being made for extreme
or inclement weather?
This was the response from Jim Salmon, Public Informations Officer, DRBA:
"The crew member was correct concerning the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) directive.  As the CMLF(Cape May Lewes Ferry) is an Interstate
Passenger Conveyance, the FDA has jurisdiction, CFR Title 21, Part 1250,
Subpart A, Sec. 1250.3, m. and we must comply with these regulations.
The 1999 FDA Model Food Code prohibits live animals on the premises of a
food establishment, 6-501.115.
Because there is no physical separation, such as a door, between the 02
galley ( food court ) and the salon, it was explained to the CMLF, during
the August 2000 inspection, that the entire salon is affected by this
Further: "Pets are permitted on the ferry, but must be kept on a leash.
The marine crewman mis-spoke when he claimed that foot passengers are
permitted to have animals in the salon.  Foot passengers are requested to
take their animals onto the outside decks."
What is interesting is that even after my emails (January 2001) they still
have not updated their web site, which states "pets are allowed on the
ferry but they must be on a leash and are not allowed in the food service
areas".  At best this statement is too vague and leads people to believe
that they are pet friendly.
What this means is that people traveling with pets is that they must either
reside in the car during the journey (which takes 70 minutes) or outside on
the decks.  Now that may be okay in the spring/fall - but not when the temp
is under 50 or over 80 - or heavy seas/inclement weather.
What I need for anyone who has ever gone across this ferry to do - is write
the folks at the DRBA and ask them about the changes to their policy -
and how they will accomodate those traveling with pets.  They have never
answered my questions in regards to service animals.  Let them know that
they will lose your business if there is not some accomodations for people
traveling with pets.  The website is www.capemay-lewesferry.com
Please be polite and professional - while I may not agree with their
decision, to date they have been extremely polite and I would like our
discussions to remain cordial.  Thanks!
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
http: www.ferrethaven.org
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[Posted in FML issue 3364]