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Tue, 20 Mar 2001 05:21:14 EST
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Will you please help Nutmeg to find her shelter mates that have gone to
this wonderful place before her?
Nutty had Adernal on 2/20/01 compounded with Insulinoma at the age of 6
yrs.They missed something as her vulva stayed swollen.They did another
Adernal on 3/19/01.They found a tumor under her liver,attached to her
Aorta & the Vena Cava.How they missed this the first time in is beyond
me.Nutty never woke up.She crossed at 1:17 a.m. today.
Nutty came to me with her cagemate Lil Britches, from an abusive home 4.6
yrs ago.They were biters but soon learned that no one would harm them &
turned into true lap ferts.
Nutty needs to find Rikki,Ferri-lu,Cookie,Cain,Smokey,Slinky Lady,Gentleman
Big,Zeus,Hoppy,Aurora,Patty,Bandit,Roo,Taz & Sox.She Rikki & Ferri-lu were
best friends.They all loved the gravy,so could you help her to them?
Please tell all of them that I want to thank each of them for letting me
share their lives.I cherish each memory,as each is so very special,all
much loved.
Rest in Peace Nutty.I love you as well as the rest.Mom loves you all,
Sandi Robinson
Heaven Scent Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3363]