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Mon, 19 Mar 2001 18:43:49 EST
Cindy Goodman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
I am being forced by my 'family' to give up my fuzzy babies and its tearing
me apart.I do not want to give them up(4 girls and the old man) but it
seems as though my daughter had to leave school because she smelled so bad
and the ferrets are being blamed.  [Gee it cant be the fact she doesnt wash
properly her body/feet/clothes]  But at any rate I am beside myself(they
should have me drawn and quartered I think it would hurt less) I feel that
I am backed into a bad thing its like they are making me pick my ferrets or
my daughter.They say gee think how she feels.  I know what I would pick(my
babies are very special to me).I CANT believe they are making me do this.
ANYBODY got a solution so I can keep them??  I love them very much///this
is not a way to tug at heartstrings mine are hurting!I WANNA KEEP MY
BABIES!  I thought maybe if I wash and clean everything in my apt.  But my
dad called today(I didnt talkto him but daughter did) [wonder what she told
them this time].  Please if anybody can help me, e-mail me.
Cindy & the fantastic 5
[Posted in FML issue 3362]