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Sat, 17 Mar 2001 06:38:27 -0500
BettyRebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
hehehe... funny... I personally fall into the "PUNK" category ... Its cool
that you posted this but there are some things I would like to add... I
am very outgoing... "what's my sign??" betcha cant guess... okay, you
twisted my arm... Im an Aries and most of my friends say I fit the profile
to a T... The thing is though... to add to your TWO different types of
Ferret Folk... I dont nessasarily think the two definitions have to
describe different people... I am very outgoing, I LOVE to be around
people, I adore animals (hehe... we just made one of our ferrets GREEN
for ST. Paddys day...dont worry, its NON-Toxic, Hypo-Allergenic, and full
of great conditioners... I PERSONALLY checked each and every ingredient in
the product and even consulted a friend who works in a lab at Penn State
University on one of the ingredients that I was unsure of.... so NO FLAMES
ON THE DYE JOB... she looks adorable....)... Okay, back to the definitions
of the people... I also LOVE to sit at home with just my ferts and a friend
and watch movies, or talk or play cards... I require this time that I call
"ME TIME"... If you want to see me you can do it here!  You can also find
out more than you ever wanted to know if you click on the link that says
    ..."who the hell is betty rebel"....
Its funny though, on the PUNKS with Ferts subject... I OFTEN take my
furkids out in public... and people that normal scoff at me because my
hair stands on end and I have metal in my face are walking up to me to talk
bout my fert... "oh isnt it cute!"... "What is that?"... "can I pet it?"...
and there is a funny story about one of the FIRST times I ever took bella
out in public... I live near State College, PA... Home to Penn State
University.... so, as you can imagine there are always LOTS of people...
anyway, one day bella and I were out on a stroll up one of the main streets
College Avenue... and this girl walks by... wearing a long skirt... (bella
is a climber)... anyway... the girl stops to see bella ... oh, isnt she
cute... how old is she... and then without warning... bella decides to
explore UNDER the girls skirt and Im (of course) pulling on the leash to
get bella back into sight but the ground is NOT good enough for my Bella
she decides to climb the girls stockings... the girl was shocked and a
little scared and I was well... pondering what I should do... do I reach
up there and grab bella or do I just WAIT for her to get bored... ka ka...
anyway the girl finally lifts her skirt (bella is about at her knee,
CLINGING on to her).... and I just pull her off like velcro... she dint rip
the stockings at all ... I apologized, and the girl said it was fine... but
sheesh, people just dont know what their pets can get into until they are
owned by a fert... LOL... the best part of it was... that she ended up
telling me that she had seen me around town before and thought I looked
interesting but was intimidated by me and dint want to make me angry by
asking the wrong question so she just steered clear of me.  How sad...
but she says hi now, and shocked the hell out of her ,as she calls them
"silver spoon" family, by introducing me to them as "her friend"... I
hardly ever see her but what a funny memory to share... and all because I
had this little ball of fur that made her feel SAFE talking to me.
Maybe Ferrets are the True Ambasadors of Good Will.
Cheers and UP THE PUNKS!!!
-Betty Rebel
[Posted in FML issue 3360]