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Sat, 17 Mar 2001 01:04:54 -0700
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Let's see, everyone who moved the couch last time you cleaned your house,
raise your hands!  How about that big ole recliner daddy likes to fall
asleep in??  If you raised your hand, your probably a very anal person and
don't need to be a part of this discussion.
Next question, where is one of the first places your fuzzies run to when
they get let out?  Maybe under the couch, or the drapes, or some other
piece of furniture that hasn't been moved in a long time.  Am I right or
Hears the news folks and listen up close!  Ferrets have oil in their coats,
and some more than others.  Nevertheless...dust clings to the oil everytime
they go under something that is full of dust.  When they settle down from
being hyper and want a treat of some snugglies, you just wuv'em and wuv'em
and rub them all over your face and .....aaaah-choooooo!!  .......Several
sneezing episodes later, your Dr. who is STILL PRACTICING medicine, says
you're allergic to ferrets, a creature that he probably couldn't tell you
the sex of if it peed on him.  Ferret lovers beware, human DRs.  are just
as dangerous to your fuzzies as a vet who doesn't know ferrets.  Stay tuned
to Ferret Allergies 102...
[Posted in FML issue 3360]