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Sat, 3 Mar 2001 13:25:39 -0000
Ann Badnadge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I knew that I would get answers to the question and I had a mass of them
Most of them saying the same thing that basically if I don't give it by the
gallon and only in a small amount , which is what I do then things are fine
I don't give Ferretone as well as ,, but I do give them Caratino oil in
with the raw meat.  and then just add water to make it blend nicely ..
Many , Many heart felt thanks to EVERYONE that answered my plea and now I
can rest assured that the small amount that they have is ok for them.
It is one this diet of feeding fourtimes a day with raw chicken that we
have managed to get a very starved pole-cat up to an nice weight gain of
two pounds in just over two weeks so that he can have an operation.  the
cod-liver oil is used to get him used to being handled by just one person,,
yes me..  and I put it on my hands and he licks it off them, This way he
has learnt that hands are not hurtful and that it is better to lick than
to bite..  He is such a big boy that even starved he made my lovely lads
look like the 2lb weakling on the beach..  and after he had met the tribe
I could just imagine the girls later on when they were tucked up in bed
talking about the things that silly little teenagers do and our old fat
Lizzie tutting away at them .  and saying that "nice girls don't talk about
things like that ." I really do smell like a pole-cat at the moment but
come Monday every thing will start to calm down, as he is to be castrated
,, then the girls can meet him properly in about a fortnights time, I just
hope that we can teach him to trust and to play , but we know that it will
be a long hard road , but we will get there as we are gritting the path
with TLC just so that he doesn't slide back to the fear filled furkid he
was just a short while ago.  who knows we may yet even hear him dook again
many thanks and if any one has any hints or tips on how to achieve miracles
then let me know...
Eggy Annie
[Posted in FML issue 3346]