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Fri, 2 Mar 2001 17:09:03 -0800
text/plain (22 lines)
Hi all
I took a break today and just lounged around but back to work tommorrow.
A little girl named Sonnet came in.  I showed her around and where all da
sights and attractions were.  She didn't seem interested in much of da
stuff or da others here.  I thought maybe we would go to da Ferretvite
Festival.  Dat is a good place to meet new ferrets and to become friends
with others.  She didn't seem interested but I dragged her over there
anyway.  After a bit she did loosen up a little and danced some and lapped
up some of da ferretvite.  I think she will get better at making new
friends but right now she doesn't like change much.  It will grow on her
I think.  I tried to make her write dat message but she is awful stubborn
and would not.  She did say to send lots of luv and many kisses and hugs
to her mommy and daddy.
I am going over and dance some myself.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3345]