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Print Reply
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 21:00:21 EST
Shelley Trulock <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
So much sadness on the fml lately with those who have sick or angeled
fuzzies.  My heart goes out to you.
Thought everyone could use an extra smile for the day.  My angeled Cody
loved the "magic towel" game.  Here's how it went.  In that special tone
we all have with our fuzzies, you all know what I'm talking about, I would
go over to his toy box and take out a heavy duty kitchen towel.  In that
special tone I would ask him repeatedly "do you want to play the magic
towel game?" He would back up, arch his back and begin to tell me in the
way he dooked and danced "yes yes, lets play." We would then proceed over
to the hardwood floor him following me dancing the whole way.  Our house
had wood floors in 3/4 of his area, and the area had an open kitchen,
dining room, and den.  There was a big circle that could be made.  So, I
would flop the towel up and then all of the sudden Cody would come running
and jump up the towel when it hit the floor, grabbing it about 1/2 up with
his front claws.  Then the games began.  I would pull him through this area
of the house and inevitably when we went around the corners he would roll
off.  Without missing a beat, here he would come running as fast as he
could, squeeling tires, jumping on the towel ready to go.  This could go on
for 30 minutes easily.  He just loved this.  What a fun little guy!  Makes
me smile, but also makes me miss him.  So, some day when you think your
little fuzzie may be bored, try the "magic towel" game.  How can something
so simple bring so much laughter?
P.S.  Make sure to hug your fuzzies every day.
[Posted in FML issue 3343]