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Wed, 28 Feb 2001 07:17:29 EST
Candice Bush <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Bill/Val & the 3 Ferretizers said:
>"held her in both hands, looking at herin the face.  She decided she didnt
>like being looked at and stretched out and bit me good right on the end of
>the nose!  Blood was pouring(not to mention the pain)!  Well now she is in
>lockup for 10 days(rabies check??) My question now is two fold:
>1. Would she be ok to adopt and get along with our other 3 kits?
>2. Would she settle down once she got to our home?"
WWW did the same to two PAWS rescuers (You'd think the second one would
know better).  Have you seen the poster of the frog with his legs clamed
around the neck of the heron who is trying to swallow him?  I wonder if she
thought they were planning to make a snack of her.  She was deaf, so didn't
know tone of voice.  I picture them holding her up going "Awww, so cute!"
so she grabbed the "shelf" and held on for dear life!  She's my cuddle
angel now, but hates other ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 3343]