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Sun, 25 Feb 2001 12:09:09 -0500
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HI All,
Jerimiah here!  Boy it is soo busy-- even in the chilly time at Ferret
Wise.  We gets lots of snow to play with-- I am hoping we get some more
soft fluffy stuff as lately it is harder to dig in!  The floor is always
slippery when we play "SNOW!"
Before I get into the shelter happenins stuff I got this email from a kid
whose Mom visited the shelter-- now she is a neat lady and even brought
us treats ( CHEERIO's) and stuff but look what the kid Snapps ( the pizza
eating ferret- still waitin' for mine- HINT HINT!) writes to me, Jerimiah!:
>Dear Jerimiah,
>Mommy told me that I helped raise $19. for the shelter, hmmm not bad
>for my first time.  I did such a good job that she even gave me extra
>Ferretvite.  How much money has your (strikethrough: puss) pretty little
>face raised?
>PS.  I don't appreciate you biting my Daddy, t;hat's soley my job!
Well that was a neat hammie and your neat photo really is cute !!  Shelter
Mom made that SPECIAL pizza hammie and will make a few more soon when the
fabric arrives-- I hear she ordered up a second pizza flannel too!  and
$19 is mighty fine 'specially for a kid not in the shelter!!!!  -- It will
vaccinate another kid who is arriving today so he can find a great home
with Mom & Dad jest like you!!  Can't wait to teach him the tricks!  But my
pretty little sihouette is on the special shelter logo pens which are on
the new updated shelter page ( Karen is such a whiz) at www.ferretwise.org
and Mom said we shipped 10 of them just this week!  So I think I can hold
a candle to you ol' Schnappsy boy!  At least I can beat that this week :)
Oh tell your Dad I didn't mean nothin' special bout that-- I have a
reputation to uphold!  I will try to remember your request Next time ! :)
Well Marie is still having good & bad bitey days-- Oh I remember I was a
real challenge-- I only test folks once in a while on off days-- but Mom
is patient.  A wonderful lady sent some new stuff to help Marie -- it is
called Stat and they hope it will help put a little more meat on her bones!
I kind of miss the little Princess who went home a full 7 days ago-- she
hasn't even written to say if she likes her new home :( It isn't the same
not having a prissy little gal around-- so today Mom is letting us play
with the kids next door-- little Emily is in there-- but she plays rougher
than some of the guys!
Ulysseys is turning out to be quite a ham!  He really likes to chomp on
Mom's feet so-- she hops all around the last few days trying to get away
from his game of tag the toes!  So FUNNY!  Well the Ferretone bottle
sneaked right into the cage on Wednesday-- not sure where it came from--
I wouldn't do that -- not at all!  Mom grumbled cause the litter box was
a bit messier to clean up after SOMEONE consumed mass quantities of
Ferretone!  Hmmmm... sorry can't help ya MOm! :)
The gal June's Angel is slowly puttin' on weight in her hospice home --
though she beat up every ferret in the place both big and small-- hmm we
didn't have that trouble here!  So she gets her own suite to live in!
Big ol' Bear is still crunching on hard food & licking vitamin soup -- they
only took 30 ccs of fluid from his belly at the vets in 10 days -- so I
guess he is not in a hurry to leave us right now!  Neat huh?  His foster
Mom lives far away and is making a special place for him to come & stay
with her & her kids that is at the bridge already -- he sure is loved .
That is so nice cause they tell lots of neat stories about him.  Maybe I
will be as famous some day!
I hear that I will have to write for the newsletter when Bear gets too
tired-- so I will have to make more time for work and less for play then--
right now I am playing hard to make up for it.  Hey, speakin' of that I got
caught -- err-- we got caught- Mom jes' happened to come with a digital
camera to take a picture of Marie for her foster listing-- and guess what I
was standing up on the chair seat-- jes' minding my business and checking
out the pump bottle of ferretone -- aha she caught me taking a lick-- but
then she really caught the game-- ol' Ulyssey's was right beside me and I
showed him how to stand up and take his tongue for a taste-- and ya know
what - if no one is lookin'... well I told him how to do the trick!
Well, I gots to hurry along as the new kid is due to arrive-- Mom will
really raise a fuss when she sees what kind of work she has to get ready
since all us kids are trashing the shelter-- BIG playgroups are so much
fun -- we throw rice everywhere out of the box and raid the trash bucket
whenever possible!  There is some neat things again at eBay-- we is saving
up for tests and surgery for our new boy (old) and teammate Ulyssey's so
if you are looking to spif up the old place check 'em out there is even a
few St Patty's things mixed in!
Astrology Cherubs delux sleeper ends 2/27
Special OREO dig resist sleeper RARE ends 2/27
Spring Pansies sleeper    ends    2/28
Tazmanian Devil sleeper  ends   3/1
St Pat's gift set             ends 3/3
Remember all the proceeds stay right here to help all us kids-- and get us
treats too!   I want some of the Foamy Fries  I hear they is the best!  If
there is somethin I can help ya with  jest write  I love to help other
ferrets  especially when it is teaching new tricks!
Hugs-- Jerimiah,
Jr Mascot, Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3340]