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Fri, 23 Feb 2001 19:14:06 EST
Robin Jones <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
I would like to respond to Tanya Grave's post on 2/21/01.
Tanya wrote:
>Ferrets Anonymous (FA) in No.  Ca is now defunct.  However, there is a
>another organization, Golden State Ferret Society, who holds monthly
Ferrets Anonymous is not defunct in Northern California.  We have in fact
9 different chapters spread all over the northern part of the state.  There
are other groups also such as, Golden State Ferret Society and Capitol City
Ferret Club, both of these organizations have board members in FA.  It was
my understanding that we all worked together under the same umbrella for
the same thing.  In fact our last two Round-Ups (state wide conventions)
were in Northern California, And people from both those groups attended.
Along with Californians for Ferret Legalization, California Domestic Ferret
Association we all have the same goal, and work together to reach it.
For those of you on the FML that live in California.  Ferrets Anonymous is
a statewide group the promotes ferret awareness & legalization.  We have
chapter meetings monthly.  and a bi-monthly newsletter.  Its a great way to
meet other ferret people, and keep up to date with what's new in the ferret
world.  For a mere $12.00 a year its a bargain.  Please check out our
website www.ferretsanonymous.com.
Also on March 31, 2001, Ferrets Anonymous is having its 8th Annual Round-Up
at Almansor Court in Alhambra, Ca.  Its an all day affair with lots of fun
vendors to pick up ferret goodies.  A silent auction.  Lunch and Dinner
(reservations required), and guest speakers.  This years speakers, will
Jeanne and Floyd Carley regarding ferret legalization, Kat Albrecht
regarding ferret search and rescue, Charles James featuring Animal CPR,
and Bronwyn Dawson, DVM.
This is a fun day, and I invite you all to join us.  For more information
see our website www.ferretsanonymous.com.
or call Claudia T. at 626-358-6027
Robin and the furry four
[Posted in FML issue 3338]