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Fri, 23 Feb 2001 03:14:26 -0500
BettyRebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi... I myself have at least 3 PV Ferts... they are well tempered, adorable
and healthy... the oldest is 3 (bella)... I have Personally been to the
establishment... very nice!  its in Willow Hill, PA... I decided to
investigate after the purchase of my second PeeVee Fert... (Stuey)... the
people there were very knowledgeable and helpful... they had NO problem
answering my questions and they were very honest about the expense issues
of ferts... this may seem bad to some of you... but when I went (already
owned by two of thier babies) I pretended to not know anything about
ferts... I told them I was considering getting my first fert and wanted
to know more about them as pets... It seemed like the best way to find
out about their ummm... moral terpitude... (not sure what it says about
anyway, they told me the truth about health issues, life expectancy and and
they even told me that if I dint have ALOT of time to dedicate to a pet
ferrets werent the best pet for me... it all added up to me as a bussiness
that wanted to make money but also wanted their babies to have good lives.
I ended up telling them about my ruse and they laughed and told me I wasnt
the first to do it... (*felt better*)...
I really enjoy the babies I have gotten from them... and I have another who
is almost 8, she's old but has not health issues to speak of... (hepa)...
I am pretty sure she is PV, as well.  (no tattoos and in PA that usually
means PV if they are bought from a store and she was).  anyway... here is
a link to thier web site... they have adorable pics of some kits on the
page... prepare to resist ferret math!!  =O)
all in all... Id say they are a well maintained, honest bussiness... they
are a bussiness though and they will continue breeding as long as people
are buying... so as cute as they are... dont forget about shelters!  =O)
(they have Path Valley Babies there too!)
Cheers and Dooks...
-Betty... aka... fert mommy and great guardian of the sock drawer!
[Posted in FML issue 3338]