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Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:07:22 -0800
Dean and Becky DeGeer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi, ebbybuddy, it's me, Pixie, da Pooter-Fert!!
It's bin a long time since Pixie posted, but Kym sed she wanted peeple ta
say what da FML did fer dem, so I thought I'd rite!  If my Mommy hadn't
found da FML, den Pixie nebber woulda met her BESTEST FREND IN DA WERLD!!!
Pixie's talkin' bout DA DODGE!!  Unfortunately, some of ya probly nebber
knew him, 'cuz it's been about two years since his last post (sheesh, has
it reely been dat long?).  In fact, Pixie doesn't even know if his Mommy's
still on here.  (If you are, HI MEWISSA!!!!)
Da Dodge was a ferret who used ta post on da FML, an' him an' Pixie used
ta rite back and forth.  But dat only lasted a coupla monfs.  Ya see,
one day Da Dodge got reel sick.  His mom thought he had somefin called
"new-moh-nee-ya", but he wasn't gettin any better, an' he got so bad, dat
his mom decided it was time fer him ta go ta da Rainbow Bridge, cuz him
couldn't breathe no more.  After him was gone, dey discovered dat him had
a grate big tumor in his lung.  Dat akshully made his Mommy feel better,
cuz she thought she made him sick wif her cold.
Pixie still misses Dodger, but she knows she'll see him at da Bridge
sumday!  Until den, she's got her webpage, which is dedicated to one
BERRY SPESHUL FUZZY!!  If ya wanna check it out, it's at
Just a warning, it's been a long time since Pixie updated it.  (Pixie
reely gots ta do dat soon!!)
Dooks ta all da sick fuzzies, an' ta da peepleses what helps 'em, an' also
ta da peepleses whose fuzzies is waitin' fer em at da Bwidge.
[Posted in FML issue 3337]