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Wed, 21 Feb 2001 11:42:31 +1300
Meghan L Parker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Dooks to all!!
Firstly, what has happened to this list while I have been away from it for
3 months????
When introducing new ferrets I say "be nice fuzzies!!" maybe we should try
and "be nice hoomans!!!"
What happened to the idea of helping people with ferret information??  Stop
flaming this poor person in regard to what to feed their pregnant Jill!!
They have good intentions or they wouldn't be asking the question!!  What
is done is done and the Jill is pregnant!!  Let's give them some advice
I am not qualified to inform this person on what to feed their ferret, and
am not about to attempt any suggestions for fear of being flamed, even
though I have recently had a Jill and her kits in my care, and all went
well!  This is a great shame, because I feel that many other people on
the list will also keep their ideas to themselves which really limits the
amount of useful resources available to all of us!
Please can we sort these flamers out, or I too, after being on this list
for over a year, will unsubscribe.
Be nice hoomans, hug the fuzzies!!!
Meghan and the monsters: Felicity, Stryder & Menolly (remembering the
fuzzie angel Tiberius)
[Moderator's note: Am I just way off here?  I didn't think the responses
to the "pregnant jill" post were particularly nasty.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3335]