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Sun, 18 Feb 2001 11:57:34 -0500
Dana Goessl <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Kym, i accept this challenge, with much appreciation that you posted it.
FML has had alot of positives.  I have learned so much on this post and
have used much of what i have read.
I want to thank all those that run shelters.  You do a very important work.
I run a very limited one and find it hard to keep it that way.  Can't say
no to anybody who wants to put a fuzzie in a shelter.  They need us.
But to those that have shelters with the large numbers in, thank you.  You
are an inspiration for me.  I read your posts and it amazes me how you all
do it so well.  You are caring wonderful people.  You also give insight and
support to all of us.
I feel so bad that Dr. Williams felt he had to leave.  I understand it
though.  You will be missed by all of us.  He was truly a positive for
this post.
Big, you are a very important part of the FML.  It is a tough job and you
do it well, thank you.
I do appreciate this post.  I look forward to reading all those who respond
to the challenge.
May we start being more positive and less argueing.  Disagreeing nicely is
better than bickering.
Sincerely, Dana
[Posted in FML issue 3333]