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Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:30:55 -0600
Kathy Maxwell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi Everyone
My thoughts are with the sick and those who have crossed
Oh Rebecca what have you started?:) The little red wagon wasn't enough.
No, those of us with one human to several ferrets have been forced to face
the fact that we may have multiple personalities.  My Q girl is always on
the go like me, Twister is analytical when making choices of what to get
into, also like me.  Jasmine loves to cuddle, Apollo knows how to bark at
people (ferret road rage), Tigger loves to play, and Wolfy, well he can
be philosophical, again all like me.  This has given me a dose of Reality
Therapy.  I am not normal.  But then again, what is normal?<grin>
Chris I have often wondered myself what our little ones dream.  I know the
last two nights one of mine must have been having a nightmare.  In the wee
hours of the morning they barked in their sleep and scared me out of my
If I rendered a guess, I would say they dream about their favorite food,
playing, what they want to get into but haven't figured out how to yet, new
hidey holes, and goals on how they might best scare their humans.  Too bad
ferrets don't have thought clouds.  On second thought maybe it's a good
thing they don't.
Kathy and the Ferret Collective-the personality dream team
[Posted in FML issue 3331]