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Thu, 15 Feb 2001 14:17:35 -0800
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
I got a call from the vet with Spanky's lab results.  The lab found
lymphosarcoma.  We have been given all the options including chemo, but
we just cannot put him through it knowing that he could suffer again.  My
inlaws dog is going through chemo treatments right now and the side effects
have been terrible.
Jim and I decided that the only way to handle this is to have him laid to
rest.  This is not what we want to do, but we just cannot put him through
the rest.  The vet has told me that he could get some injections and
prednisone, and that it would make him feel better and that I would have
more time to spend with him (maybe 2-3 months).  He is pretty far along in
the progression of this cancer.  Very scary considering he has only shown
symptoms of any health problems for the past 8 days.  We just cannot do
this to him with what I have seen in other animals that have been through
What the vet and I do not understand is how a 1 1/2 year old could get
this.  He has seen cardiomyopathy in ferrets that are 2-3 years old, but
not lympho.  If anyone else has experienced lymphosarcoma in a ferret
this young, vets or otherwise, I would truly like to hear from you.
It was suggested to me by a friend on this list that I should contact
Marshall Farms to let them know, so they can possibly look at the parents
history and make sure that if they find problems, they don't breed them
again.  I don't know if this information is beneficial to them or not, nor
am I necessarily in a position to bother.  I am just too upset.  Part of me
feels like we are being punished for ever considering finding another home
for him because he just could not be integrated.  I now look back and feel
very selfish for ever considering it.  I am very thankful that we did not,
for it would really be terrible for someone to adopt a ferret and then have
this happen.  That is the only thing I am thankful for.  I just cannot
believe this is happening.  My hubby told me that I shouldn't take in any
more ferrets because I do not handle the losses very well.  He is having
some major problems with this, but he is keeping it inside.  Spanky is his
All I wanted to do is share this with all of you and let you know that this
can happen at ANY age, and that there were not any gradual warning signs.
Please hug your ferrets and spend time with them, for they could be gone
Goodbye little Spankers.  Thank you for the time you blessed us with.  We
will miss you tromping up the steps with your fleece ball, running through
the tubes, and your constant need to be picked up and kissed.  I always
laughed at how you liked to break into daddy's closet and chew on his most
expensive pair of shoes.  At first he would be upset, but you would sit at
his feet, with those big eyes, until he just couldn't be mad at you any
longer.  You are always in daddy's heart, and he never wanted to have to
give you up.  We love you and will miss you.
[Posted in FML issue 3330]