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Wed, 14 Feb 2001 01:15:47 -0500
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Since I expect a reply to Sue's posts from Barbara with "half truths" and
everything twisted again, here are a few facts.  I really don't like all
this being public but I'm so tired of the lies!
Barbara has been a wonderful rescuer but there's a dark side most people
don't see.  Sadly, a few have and she has made their life miserable at
times.  I know a whole lot more than I'll tell.  At this time anyhow.
I received the call from Ben's previous owner that she wanted help for him
rather than put him down.  Of course I said yes and a friend met with her
to pick Ben up for me.  I called Barbara and asked her to take Ben with
her the next day to Dr. K as I knew she was going.  I also sent along the
surrender form that had been signed by Ben's previous owner and Barbara
disputes because it was one of "her" forms that Barbara says was defaced
because my friend tore off the top and wrote in my shelter name.  I asked
for the form back many times but Barbara refused.  I think it's obvious who
cared, nursed, prayed and cried over Ben for so long and it can be proven
who he was surrendered to.  Why Barbara registered Ben in her name, I don't
know.  I have found Barbara's name on some of my records of other ferrets
that Barbara took to Dr. K for me though.  Including two bills that I paid.
For some reason I can't seem to get records on two of my other ferrets...
Barbara STILL has not answered WHY she wanted Ben in the first place.
I did find it strange that she was implying to people that I was taking
care of Ben "for her" and when I questioned her about it as early as Feb.
1, 2000, she made a joke of it saying "we belonged to Ben".  I let a lot of
things slide rather than have a confrontation.  Including her not wanting
you on the fml to know Ben's first surgery was only 254.00.
I wonder why she told people who wanted to donate to make checks out to her
directly?  Why did the two checks from the auction, sent to me, made out to
the South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, given to Barbara by me to send to
Angela, were given to Dr. Kemmerer instead?  Shouldn't they have gone to
the Treasurer of the club then the funds sent to Barbara to go on Ben's
I did tell her very firmly Ben was mine and was going home with me for
nursing after seeing her lack of concern that Ben hadn't eaten the whole
day after we picked him up at the vet school the first time.  And the fact
that Ben had an awful infection in the roof of his mouth while staying at
Barbara's while we were trying to find a surgeon and she had put him on
hard kibble that was just sitting up in the hole.
Jeremy was turned over to Barbara from animal control to put into
quarantine.  She brought him directly to me to put into quarantine, called
every day for 10 days for an update then she would call animal control with
the update as if it came from her.  Not once has she said she wanted Jeremy
but only asked his "status" in Sept. and had only asked about him once
prior to that.  She added him to the lawsuit over Ben as a revenge tactic.
Isn't it interesting that as soon as Barbara took Ben and Jeremy she
immediately fostered them out!  Why go to the trouble to file a lawsuit
when you really don't want the ferrets!!!  I've been told she's moving
them around as a result of what she perceives as a threat.  How can someone
who proclaims to love ferrets do this to them?  But she always has very
good answers if she bothers to answer a question at all.
I have never bashed anyone publicly till this situation but for this to be
done to two innocent ferrets who were so well loved, happy and cared for is
unthinkable.  Many of you who have been on the fml a long time know me and
how I love these guys.  I've been involved in a couple of major issues but
don't go seeking publicity.  I don't need it.
Giggles and Cricket were brought to me along with some others in March,
1999.  Barbara said they "needed" to be gotten away from Sue Thomas and
told me awful things about Sue as she also told others.  It's pretty sad
when one person can ruin so many reputations.  Sue's only crime is not
having enough income to do all she wants to do for her ferrets.  Few
shelters have the funds Barbara does to do all we want to for these
little guys.
A couple of months prior, I had offered to take Cassie who was a very sick
little girl and Barbara told me she may not make it.  She weighed 8 ounces,
had vomiting and diarrhea off and on.  Dr. Kemmerer had just examined her
and said she was anemic.  I had Dr. Bink check her after I got weight on
her, x-rays showed "something" in her stomach.  Surgery proved to be a
large hair ball.  Cassie did great afterwards.
Giggles had a "lump" on her chin when I got her.  She also had just been
examined by Dr. K and was being treated for an abscess.  The abscess just
didn't heal.  Dr. Bink did surgery and it was a salivary gland mucocele
that he rerouted to drain into her mouth and she was fine afterwards.
Cricket also supposedly had a clean bill of health.  Shortly after arrival,
she was sick.  A liver biopsy showed a serious liver ailment but she did
fine and was a happy little girl as long as she knew where her buddy
Giggles was.
I didn't know when Barbara brought them to me that she had told Sue she had
someone to adopt them or I wouldn't have taken them under false pretenses.
Cassie bonded with the girls and wouldn't get along with anyone else.  It's
kind of hard to adopt out there at one time even if Cricket didn't have the
liver problem.  Barbara only reimbursed me $100.00 on the surgeries.  All
the girls were absolutely fine when they left here after Barbara requested
all her ferrets back and was supposed to bring 4 of mine.  She didn't tell
me she had already adopted two of them out!
Why did one of Barbara's "friends" go on apf and slander me?  Yes, she was
angry that I wouldn't adopt to her but .... would you adopt to someone who
wanted a ferret for her dog and said she did her own surgeries on her
iguanas?  Iguana's DO carry salmonella.  Why did Plashette tell so many
lies?  I "kidnapped" Ben???  I think I'm going to have fun with a slander
suit when this is all over.
There's been many friends here that have seen the kids, the shelter and
Ben & Jeremy.  Mutual friends, people that have come in to adopt and my
landlord after Barbara's attempt to get me evicted didn't work.  They've
all seen the house, the ferrets and that everything here is for the ferrets
and they were and are all fine and extremely well cared for.  Heck, they're
my life and they come first.
Oh, and while I'm at it, why does Barbara let her animal communicator make
decisions for her on what's best for the ferrets and whether or not Barbara
is "imposing her will" on the ferrets???  Ben said he was in a rut here?
Come on, lady!  There's one very damning thing I could say here but I
won't.  Saving that one, Barbara.
I have to admit Barbara has gotten her revenge every day since she took the
boys.  Not knowing where or how they are is much worse than losing one to
death.  At least death is final.
Whatever problem Barbara has with me is no reason to pull two wonderful
ferrets out of a loving home and move them all over everywhere!  Take it
out on me but not ANY ferret!!!
You can have an attorney in small claims court!  And yes I'm trying to
raise funds to pay one because of the lies that have been told and
Barbara's "sneakiness".  I want my boys back and know I will get them
once we're in court.
Statements saying the court has ALL the documents for this lawsuit is
incorrect.  They do not have any of MY documents yet.  Neither do they
have a letter from Ben's previous owner that she meant Ben to go to Barbara
as has been stated.  My attorney and I went through the file last week
and this document does not exit except another fragment of Barbara's
I'm really sorry all of you have been exposed to the nastiness and I
apologize.  I feel I do have to defend myself against all this.  Please
excuse any typos, etc. as this is being done in a big hurry.
Hugs to all the little ones,
[Posted in FML issue 3328]