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Tue, 13 Feb 2001 15:49:34 -0800
Jean Squires <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
If your ferret is refusing to eat please remember one thing.  He HAS to
eat.  I have saved several ferrets from our shelter that have stopped
eating from ECE, depression (shelter shock), etc.  Have the vet check
them immediately and if they give the OK take them home and FEED THEM.
Your vet will tell what and how much.  I normally use A/D and add water or
ensure.  I have had to scruff and syringe feed some very stubborn ferrets.
Get someone to hold them if needed.  Wrapping them in a towel may help.
Sometimes you have to give them small amounts every few hours and get up
at night also.  Their little tummies may be queasy and they may be very
lethargic but if they don't eat they will die.  Be very careful of choking
and watch for vomiting.  Stay in contact with your vet.  It's not hard
after you get the hang of it.
[Posted in FML issue 3328]