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Sat, 10 Feb 2001 17:55:44 -0500
"Sally St. Germain" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hi Ferret Lovers
Well my poor little Daisy is a very sick little ferret, which is probably
why the people surrendered her in the first place.  Or should I say dumped
her?!  I sincerely hope that I never meet them, because I'm sure I can't
be responsible for what I may do to them.
Daisy is back at my vet's and has been there since Thursday.  She had
become jaundiced and her urine was very dark.  I was concerned about liver
damage so I called Dr. Cathy and took her in for blood work.  Cathy wanted
to keep her for a couple of days so I came home alone.  My phone has been
out of order more than it's been working this week, so I have had a problem
staying in touch with Catty and of course I've had no internet either.  I
finally got to talk to Catty this morning and my little Daisy may not
survive this illness.  She has haemolytic anaemia.  Her red blood cells are
very low and her platelets are also very low..  Her spleen is breaking down
her red blood cells and needs to be removed, but we can't do any surgery
on her with her platelet count so low.  She would probably bleed to death.
Cathy is giving her sub q fluids and it seems to be flushing the destroyed
red blood cells out of her body and therefore making her less jaundiced.
She is on a different antibiotic now and is on prednisone to help build her
platelets back up.  She will be at the vet's until Monday or Tuesday and
may come home for awhile until her blood builds up some more.  She will
probably have to have the spleen removed in the near future and right now
Cathy is treating her to get her to that point.Cathy says that she is far
from being out of the woods yet and says there is a chance she may not make
it.  She even thought that if she doesn't show some improvement we may have
to consider putting her to sleep humanely.  I cry just thinking about that!
I won't resort to that option unless we have no other choice, no matter
what the cost.  She has turned out to be a very expensive little girl so
far, But I had a feeling that she would need a lot of medical intervention
when I brought her home.  I still felt strongly enough about her needing
a chance at a better life.
While she has shown some improvement it is not as much as Cathy would have
liked to have seen.  She will watch her closely over the weekend and I will
be in touch again on Monday.  Daisy has started eating some AD food on her
own and she is eating some dry kitten food on her own as well.
One other thing I should mention is that Cathy and I discussed the
possibility of giving her a transfusion.  I have 3 or 4 strapping young
males who could be donors and Cathy will keep this in mind over the week
Please keep this fragile little girl in your prayers.  My heart is breaking
for her and I would really like to show her what a loving home is all
about.  I had such a short time with her.  I want to be able to show her
that some humans can love unconditionally too.  She didn't even get to meet
any of her brothers and sisters, because I had her isolated in case she
had something contagious.  If my love and prayers could cure her she would
be big and healthy and happy already.
Sally St. Germain and her 11 "Little Saints."
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3325]