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Sat, 10 Feb 2001 20:36:09 -0800
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hello - I have been a reader of the FML for quite awhile.  I wrote a post
a couple of years ago when I was having problems integrating my ferrets.
Well thanks to the help I received, they are all integrated.  I now have a
new problem and hope that there is someone out there that can help.  I have
a very sick little ferret.  He seems to have a condition that has never
been heard of in a ferret according to my vet.  I am hoping that there is
someone out there that may have heard of this condition.  So here is my
I am hoping that someone out there might have some insight into my
situation.  I have a ferret that will be 4 in April.  He had an enlarged
spleen that was removed a little over a week ago.  He also had an adrenal
gland removed.  It seems that he has a very unique condition.  My vet and
the specialists that she has conferred with have never heard of this
condition in a ferret, only in dogs and cats.  It is Lymphangiectasia.  My
Taselhauf is very sick.  When my vet had him opened up she noticed that his
intestinal lymph gland was growing through his intestines and he also had
some little tumors/cysts growing on his intestines.  She sent them in to
get biopsys and he was diagnosed as having this condition Lymphangiectasia.
Taselhauf was doing really good after his surgery (eating well) until
Friday.  All of a sudden he quit eating.  I am having to force feed him
now.  I have all of his lab reports if there are any vets out there that
might need to see them.  I appreciate any help that anyone can give me.
My vet says that this might be a case for the books if no-one has ever
seen this in a ferret before.
It is unfortunate, but I live in California, so if you send your responses
to the FML, I will respond from there.
Thank you for any help that you can provide.
Hugs to all the sick little fuzzys out there.
Jeannie and her 5 fuzzys
[Posted in FML issue 3325]