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Sat, 10 Feb 2001 13:55:26 EST
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
First off I agree with melisa on the fact that the ferret world needs to
catch up on the other pet worlds.  I hope it does.  Just for example, I
don't want a dern debate over this sammmmme topic again, but it is my firm
belief that angoras aren't the only one of two breeds of ferrets.  I think
there is another.  I think the Demi-giga's line is definately a breed...
or could thereby be.  jmho
Anyway the real reason for my post is I think I speak for most ferret folk
when I say.... we alllll would love a nationally accepted color chart for
colors of ferrets.  Yeeees, I know there are two good ones online but thats
not what I'm talking about.  I think we are all sick of the subjective
opinions of if our ferrets are cinnamon or butterscotch or champaygne,
etc..  It would be just too cool... to have an illustrated chart of said
colors.  I know its a lot to ask of us to all agree.  Heck I know.  But I
think even those that vehemently disagree or don't like each other, can
agree on a freaking sable!!  I mean surely.... everyone can agree on
sables..  and on standard markings.
Can the AFA, and other groups not get together on this and make a chart or
at least the start of a chart?  Not just photos online...I mean a published
chart.  Ferret groups could do a voting thing on what is chocolate, etc.
And it could even be taken further by have voting on line to get a feel of
what the public thinks.
It's just my opinion that this is long over due... and very much wanted.  I
know we have huge issues pending here such as ADV.  But, I think I speak
for most... when I say this is veeeery much wanted and needed.
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[Posted in FML issue 3325]