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Fri, 9 Feb 2001 11:16:37 -0500
BettyRebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Okay, I have a question to pose here... I see kind of a catch 22...
Ideally the BEST and most Logical thing to have happen would be the
Permanent CLOSING of this shelter??  Shelter, hmmm... I have trouble
calling it that!  Unfortunately, sooooo UNFORTUNATELY, the law has decided
that closing the shelter is not nessasary... (and people wonder why so
many hooomins dont trust the legal system)... Here's the dilema... if this
monster is permitted to continue to take in animals how do we protect the
animals??  The choices are obviously to get the animals out of her care...
but how do we do that??  Adopt from her??  (making room for another fert??)
And if NOBODY adopts from her what is to become of the animals??  This is
such a sad case!  OMG, I cant imagine putting ANY animal through the pain
and suffering this person put those fert through, I can only assume that
the other animals were also abused and neglected... Im now wondering if
there is something that WE as a fert (animal loving) comunity can do to
keep this person from continuing in the destructive behaviour.  Obviously
the FIRST, most logical choice for help has failed the animals... the
LAW... so, now what??
My heart just weeps for the animals that have been injured, neglected or
disrespected and for those that still will if this place is not boarded
up and shut down for good!  There has to be a way (legal) that this can
be stopped... how about MASS picketing?  excersizing a legal right to
demonstrate??  Activism has stopped many a monster!
Cheers and Solidarity!
-Betty Rebel...
"for those who have no voice we speak and for those who have no rights,
 we cry!"
-Emma Goldman
[Posted in FML issue 3324]