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Thu, 8 Feb 2001 15:33:09 -0500
Sherri James <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Whoever posted about writing to Animal Planet, requesting a program on
ferrets, could you please give an e-mail or snail mail address where we
could contact the program.....
also there was a program on PBS on Tuesday night (in the Baltimore area)
that talked about ferrets but I only know about it second-hand because I
did not see it.  Did anybody see it?  I am going to contact PBS and see if
it will be televised again.  Also, I'm trying to get on the local radio
stations here in Baltimore to talk about ferrets, but so far no go.  Has
anyone been successful in doing this in their area and if so how did you
go about accomplishing it?  I've been told by several ferret people in the
area that ferret topics are not a favorite thing to discuss unless maybe
you are the Budweiser Ferret....so many people closing their minds because
they have been misinformed (you know, the usual......they're stinky , they
bite, blah, blah, blah......this is from some people who like animals!)
[Posted in FML issue 3323]