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Thu, 8 Feb 2001 11:46:02 -0500
KiSta Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Its with a very heavy heart that I want to tell you of today's court
proceedings against Linda Rodriguez of Loving Ferrets Shelter in Galloway
Township, NJ.  For those of you unfamiliar with the situation, you can
see our site at www.kistaferret.com/rescue.html for the full story.
Unfortunately, all charges against Ms. Rodriguez were dismissed today.  Due
to legal wranglings, and the fact that the photographic evidence and search
warrant were suppressed, there was no grounds for a case.  No matter that
she had 113 animals seized from her home, not counting the 5 dead ferrets
and one dead dog stored out in a broken down truck, or that the ferrets
that managed to survive were horribly abused and neglected.  Apparently
they don't matter to the courts, and Linda Rodriguez is free to continue
her "sheltering".
Well, those ferrets matter to me.  I want to apologize to each one of those
28 ferrets that were guests here.  I'm sorry Andy, Brad, Cammy, Dannie,
Frank, Ernie, Lefty, Sparky, Giovanna, Haley, Igor, Joey, Karma, Luna,
Marcus, Norton, Otto, Pasteur, Quasi, Rerun, Sabina, Tantra, Umma, Dirk
Diggler, Vinny, Smiley and Xiang Hua, and Angel, the one who died while the
SPCA was in process of taking possession of the animals.  You mattered to
me.  I'm sorry that your abuser has not been punished, and that there is
nothing I can do to prevent others from suffering your same fate.  I tried.
KiSta Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3323]