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Tue, 6 Feb 2001 08:39:27 -0500
Bruce Williams <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Dear Candice:
>Cleo, my little retard, acting fine except a little sleepier than her
>sleepy self, has slowly developed a golfball sized lump in RUQ of abd.
>Non tender.  Normal appetite, peeing, pooping fine.  Always been (and
>still is) plump.  Vet aspirated bloody fluid now being analyzed.  Blood
>work pending.  Xray showed GI tract not involved except that she is gassy.
>Coat was fine until last week when she shed her summer coat, now a bit
>ratty but I'm hoping for her new beautiful coat next week.
A golfball sized mass until proven otherwise in the right upper quadrant is
probably adrenal in origin, and the size strongly suggests malignancy.  As
she is currently doing pretty well, otherwise, I would probably suggest
an exploratory within a few days max.  The sooner we get it out and looked
at the better.  The likelihood of malignancy, regardless of the origin is
high, and it is always preferable to take malignancies out sooner rather
than later.
with kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3321]