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Sat, 3 Feb 2001 08:56:48 -0000
Ann Badnadge <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
First off .. Hi Wayne did you ever get yourself a ferret?  let me know how
things are.
How whippet ferrets came about for real.
A poacher friend told that the meaning of a Whippet ferret is as Wayne
Gardner informed you yesterday, they are bred for hunting... logic ... the
principle is that a large ferret can chase a rabbit through a warren and
drive it out , but , if the rabbit goes into a dead end then the ferret
can get killed as the rabbit being trapped will turn and fight..  so the
poachers started to breed thin wiry ferrets to make an ultra slim breed
These they call whippets..  Now if a whippet ferret chases a rabbit into
a dead end, It is so slime that it can get behind the rabbit and chase it
out again ..  my first furkid is a whippet and can get under a 1 inch space
at a run and has been known to flatten herself to less that that to get at
goodies in the cupboard..  her weight is just over 1lb but she is so lively
and she is the only one to actually run up my legs and back to sit on my
shoulder if there is danger about..  the other bit of info about klingons
was of course pure fiction .. (or was it?)
Eggy Annie
[Posted in FML issue 3318]