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Sat, 3 Feb 2001 20:15:28 -0000
"Ulrike:-)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi Lynn
>And of course they do get daily, their Superior Choice (Ferret Store
>brand) kibble & ground up chicken w/bones.  Ulrike & Jeanine have been
>trying to convince me that it should be served raw but I am having trouble
>overcoming the thought of Salmonella in it.  They say that the condition
>of their kids fur has improved & so has their energy.  Now when you say
>carnivores can handle Salmonella and other bugs, I don't suppose you were
>talking about grasshoppers were you Ulrike?  Do you grow them big over
>there in Wales?  I know you mentioned that your guys have eaten yucky (to
>me) spiders & other bugs.  Is this rather "normal" ferret fare over there?
>I've been thinking of adding gator tail (no not MY Gator's tail) to the
>Clan's diet, they should like it, tastes like chicken right?  Grasshoppers
>don't carry Salmonella do they?  *s*
I have not been trying to convince you to feed raw chicken!  I've suggested
it but you got to do what you feel comfortable with and cooked chicken is
the next best thing. ;-)
Yup, ferrets can handle salmonella and other "bugs", like e-coli, spiders,
moths... ;-)  We got *huge* spiders and of course daddy long legs and I
usually find the remains after they had their meal!  Like long legs or the
odd wing they missed!  Yum!  Oh yeah, it's quite normal over here, we use
our ferrets for pest control like for spiders and moths and beetles,
anything that crawls or flies and is not supposed to be in the house. ;-)
Take care!
From Ulrike
and Jilly, Jack, Bella, Tom, Mason, Baby, Dana, Fox, Reno, Rose, Jasmine,
Barney and Spike
Missing Angel, Hope and Igor
West Wales Ferret Welfare
Last update 20/12/00
[Posted in FML issue 3318]