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Wed, 31 Jan 2001 12:53:24 -0600
Ashlie Ludwig <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hello all lovely ferret lovers!
I have two questions.  The first is that I am getting a new cage for my
sweet girl Anabelle.  Other than the initial washing differences when you
first get a cage, what are the advantages and disadvantages of galvanized
wire over coated wire.  Is the coated wire worth the price?
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, I love my little girl but she
does spend a lot of time in her cage(she usually gets 2 hours of playtime
a day).  So I am getting her a bigger cage so she will have more playroom,
and I am thinking about getting her a friend as all of the mags and guides
suggest.  I would love another ferret, and I can handle it financially.
However, I do not want another ferret if Anabelle does not like other
ferrets and would not appreciate the play friend--since that is the main
reason for getting another ferret(not the only reason but I want to enrich
her life more than mine).
She is 7months old and a Petco/Marshall Farms baby.  This time I would like
to adopt a ferret from a shelter....so here is the dilemma..... I am moving
back to Colorado in four months.  I was going to wait to adopt a ferret at
that time since shelters are closer, and I definately want Anabelle to meet
her new friend first and have an experienced and reliable shelter person's
help.  But then I began wondering if it would be better to try to get
Anabelle her friend before her move as it might be too stressful to be in a
new place and have a new ferret friend.  Also the move might be easier if
she had a friend to keep her company through the whole move and etc.  I
live in Ashland, Wisconsin and the nearest shelters are anywhere from 4 to
6 hours away.  Should I wait to try to adopt until after the move or before
it?  Also should the new ferret be the same age, younger, older, or does it
Thanks for all of your help!
[Posted in FML issue 3315]