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Tue, 30 Jan 2001 21:15:09 -0600
Larry McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
First and foremost, my sincere condolences to all who've had their babies
go to the bridge or have sick ones.
Pat-thank you so much for your post yesterday-it was great meeting you.
I've met so many neat people and friends here on the FML.  Ferret people
are certainly a different sort-we all have something in common and we're
right there for each other!  Socks is doing wonderfully, and last Saturday
he did something he hasn't done in a long time-he kissed me!  I almost lost
it right there on the spot.
Wolfy-you now have squeaky wheels on your wagon?  Where's the motor on that
puppy-or are you being mysterious with it right now?  C'mon, can't you
grease those wheels with the little ferret bombs left around.  And what's
with the 'smoke' and the suspense here--you're suddenly an oracle????
Hmmm, I can see this, long,draped robe, hooded by the way, wagon toting
behind, depends falling out of it, Carpet Shark Scott in hot pursuit,
Pongo aimed and ready to fire-wait-is that what the smoke was-Pongo's um,
ammunition????  And then you went a ruined your fuzzies home-made still
with the fountain while they were fermenting their raisins for wine!  And
the pearls around your neck, do we dare ask where they come from?
And Lynn.  Lynn, Lynn, Lynn.  However could you not think what I've said
my ferrets are calm?  Doesn't everybody's kids do their own little dance?
I can't help it mine dress in pantyhose and make up.  Of course, whoa,
wait........ Okay, flying cat, kids must be using the pantyhose again for
the catapult.  Heavens, mine rearrange the linen closet daily, pulling
things here and there.  Calm, how could you not doubt it?  I mean, Fang and
Suzy don't get much of my cappuccino's, and the cokes they find around,
heavens, the caffeine just CAN'T affect them that much!  Wait-I just saw my
shoes and purse go by at the speed of light......... Mine are always sooooo
calm, cool, collectors, er collected.  Hmmm, there goes Suzy riding Domino
like a rodeo bronc rider.
Okay-Georgia-the octopus-are you feeding this raw or cooked to your kids?
I mean, Viking ferrets I'm sure eat raw meat to show how tough they are
(has Kouri gotten his Viking Helmet yet?) I saw where you were giving
painting instructions again to the public--tsk, tsk, tsk.  You know they
have to have their berets on, the rooms have to be totally white so those
brilliant colors can 'splash' to and fro as they wardance across the
canvass.  Kouri looking at the others saying "Zees ees the way to paint,
a splash hear, a tail flip there-voila!"
Judy's ferret normal?????  AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!  They have Judy for a
mom, c'mon!  Judy likes to watch cowboy's ride bulls, so you all know
what's next.  Tyson in chaps, spurs, ten gallon hat.  Einy in a little
'dude's suit' and Hope will be in a dance hall girl's outfit.  Now, as
to what critter they're going to be riding at Judy's house, well.......
And now Darryl and Meighan's ferrets are in league with Lynn's.  Hooooboy
look out!  We're all going to be in trouble.  Lynn-did it look like a scene
from Chicken Run while your kids were chasing them?  Did they (the ferrets)
have little solider uniforms on-maybe filming a war movie scene?
Better watch out-Sukie's kids have those high powered telescopes, night
vision goggles, you name it, they've got if for surveillance.
It's evening right now, will be morning/afternoon when this is read.  Do
you know where your ferrets are (or your wallet, keys, car)?  Ever noticed
that extra pot of coffee that suddenly disappears and your ferrets are
dancing ever so much more, um, joyously????
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste
 good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 3314]