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Mon, 29 Jan 2001 21:13:04 -0500
Lynn Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Wolfy, I could swear that one of us, uh hum ladies, put a motor on that
wagon of yours.  And here you are pulling it around again.  What did you
do, run out of gas?  BTW did you manage to get the litter pearls off your
tushy yet?  Gosh lady check your litter before you squat.  And to catch up
about your fountain that doesn't fountain anymore.  You know that smell
that was in it?  That was where your guys stashed their raisins to
ferment & you went & destroyed their still.  Shame on you!
Georgia you are so happy that you now have two groups instead of three.
But aren't you a little worried about it?  Think lady, now they can plot
better.  I mean we found out about the catapults, the satellite, the Viking
pontoon boat & lord knows what else.  They must have figured that word was
leaking out somehow.  Guess they didn't being observed by the Canadian
Authorities eh?
Judy Cooke thinks she has "normal" ferrets.  Is there such a thing as
"normal" ferrets?  Boy do they have her fooled.  Missing anything recently
Judy?  Hear anything go "thump" in the night?
Rebecca is under the illusion that she has "calm" ferrets.  They steal her
pantyhose for catapults, steal Sara's makeup, (what do they do with it?)
imitate the Rockettes by dancing on the top of the desk, this is calm?
Sukie's kids say they are not at war with anyone but keep everyone under
surveillance.  Little spies will do anything for tangerines!
Now MY guys are perfectly normal & calm.  Caffie & Rosie were only chasing
the hens to see how fast they could run in case they were ever attacked by
wild animals.  Gotta keep them fit.  Survival of the fittest you know.  And
Gator & Hawk told me it is the Widget boys, Riki & Tiki, that lure them out
to scope out The Cape late at night.  Do you know where your boys are at
night Jim?
Darryl and Meighan, MY kids told me that YOUR kids sent them a detailed
drawing of a catapult, with a ferret wearing army fatigues and doc martins
and is armed with raisins.  Did you know your kids were using your PC?
They said it was a FLO alert, but for whom?
And Georgia Gator & Hawk tell me that they really don't like whole baby
octopus, they'd much rather have good 'ol FL Lubbers, (lg grasshoppers).
They like the crunch, kinda like chips you know?  Icky pooey squishy
octopus!  Yuck!!
Lynn & Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3313]