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Sun, 28 Jan 2001 23:30:28 -0600
text/plain (27 lines)
Hey All,
Just wanted to let everyone in the greater Houston Area know that Noni
Clark and Dr. Hertel will be on a segment about ferrets.  Fox26 is shooting
it tomorrow at the clinic.  Not sure when it will be on, but it may be on
the news there tomorrow so keep an eye out for it!
Noni is taking in 4 of her ferrets, to show off different colors.  They
also have a young girl lined up to play with the ferrets to show how nice
they are.
Noni is really excited about it all.  I am too.  Nothing like some good
publicity to help out the cause.
On a side note, if anyone in the area can record the segment and put it
on a computer somehow, I would love to mount it on the website for folks
to look at.  If you can let me know and we can work something out.
Maggie and her Mid-Mo Mob
What I am actually saying is that we *each* need to let our intuition guide
us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.
Shakti Gawain
[Posted in FML issue 3312]