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Sat, 27 Jan 2001 01:01:11 -0800
Dori Burnell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
I have also heard that early spay/nueters may be responsible for many
ferret ailments later in life.  Makes sense to me; no other animal is
routinly fixed that early in life and given ferrets' unique hormone
system...??  (like females staying in heat till bred) Any studies been
done on this?
My male SpankyMan gets hiccups occasionally but I can always get rid of
them by giving him baby food or Nutrical.  First one I've ever had that's
gotten them.
However ALL the ferrets I've ever had but one have had a foot fetish when
it comes to thieving.  Boots, shoes worn socks, slippers...Spanky also
loves wet or damp wash rags and dish towels.  Go figure.
On blindness---both my ferts were at the vet for shots and thourough
check-ups last summer.  All was well; I mention this to make a point of
how quickly SpankyMan's blindness came on.  A few months back I noticed an
"opaque-ness" inside both his eyes.  Now about 3/4 of his eye is like this
and one only has a white spot on it.  He is quite obviously blind but has
been here with me all his life (4 yrs) and knows this small house like the
back of his paw.  He gets around fine and it has not changed his attitude
or disposition.  i am wondering if this always happens to both eyes at the
same time or if that is coincidence.  Happening at the same time makes me
think maybe some essential nutrient has been missing from his diet?  He has
always eaten Mazuri Ferret and had ferretVite, Ferret-tone, Nutrcal, baby
food and stolen kibble from the dog dish.
I realize this is alot of topics--any input will be appreciated.
Like to say "Bless You For All You Do" to all the shelter operators out
there!!!!  And to Dr. Bruce for his dedication to this list!!
   ~~~Dori and her Fan Club
"Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold, chisel and complete a
[Posted in FML issue 3311]