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Sat, 27 Jan 2001 04:42:34 -0500
BettyRebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
HI everyone... I've been quiet lately... computer on the fritz but no more
of that... got me a new one see!!  Fast sucker too!!  lovin it...
I just wanted to share one of those funny ferret moments with everyone...
I was unpacking the computer and Bella one of my old girls was out
playing... everyone else was sleeping in their respective cages... there
was boxes and papers everywhere... (dont worry I was paying attention
while moving the heavy stuff and walking around =O) )...  So anyway after
unpacking and setting up the puter... I decided to RE-organize my desk...
this involved putting papers into file folders and throwing away tons of
shi... cra... STUFF!!  so I had two grocery store sized garbage bags that
were the throw away bags... (it took that much OMG, I save the stupidest
stuff).... I left the room for a minute to go ummm... potty... when I came
back I went back to work throwing away and filing stuff... after all was
done I headed to the kitchen garbage can with my bags and put them on in
the can... headed back to the kitchen when I heard the strangest noise
coming from the can... sounded like bottles dancing... oddddd, i thought
and went to investigate... just as I got to the can... OUT POPPED BELLA...
she made a mad dash for my bedroom (only about 2 feet away) and scurried
under my bed.... she just stood there right under the edge of my bed....
like a little kid that hides under the covers thinking that if s/he is
covered the bad guys (no, I am not a bad guy) cant get em!  anyhooo... I
walked over to the bed and laid down.... I flipped over and hung my head
over the side of the bed so that my face was right in hers... she knew
the game was over but she thought she'd give ferret room freedom a little
better of a try... she dashed out under me and headed for the bathroom...
finding no place to go once she was in there she climbed a towel that was
hangin over the side of my tub and slid into it... funny stuff... she was
trapped.... she looked so cute... I almost felt bad capturing her... I
even said... "Tag, you're it, NO tag backs!".... lol...
I think they should put ferret hide and seek in the ferret olympics... when
there isnt a serious threat of danger its quite ammusing!  Oh what would I
do without them!! =O)....
Thank you Bella!
-Betty Rebel and Fuzzyland Crew!
[Posted in FML issue 3311]