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Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:53:18 -0800
The Weezils of Doom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
The Weezils of Doom are short one member.  Ka-boing! has done kicked the
bucket.  He fought a gallant battle against a defective adrenal gland, but,
inevitably, he lost.  Now he's left his decrepit body behind to go on to
bigger and better things.
Ka-Boing! came to me through a free ad in the newspaper.  His name at the
time was Travis, which just didn't seem like a suitable ferret name to me.
When I got him home and let him loose in my apartment, he immediately began
bouncing around like spit on a griddle.  Instead of the normal ferret
bounces which carries them across a large area of the floor, he had the
oddest habit of jumping straight up into the air.  Kind of reminded me of
a dolphin jumping out of the water.  That's when his name became apparent,
Ka-Boing.  But that didn't seem to quite capture his true spirit.  So I
added the exclamation point at the end and Ka-Boing!  had his new name.
Eventually, Ka-Boing!  began having the dreaded adrenal problems.  It was a
bum right adrenal gland and my vet could not remove the blasted thing.  So
I opted to do the Lupron thing.  Every month for 2 years, I hauled him down
to the vet so he could get his shot.  But then, last month, the adrenal
gland ballooned up to the size of a golf ball.  Surgery was scheduled to
de-bulk it as much as possible.  But 2 days before the surgery, the tumor
went through another growth spurt and became absolutely huge.  It started
drastically affecting Ka-Boing!'s daily activities.  He lost control of his
back legs, he wouldn't eat or drink.  He was in pretty rough shape.  His
exclamation point became more of a question mark.  He was rushed to surgery
where the vet found "the largest adrenal tumor" she had ever seen.  It had
taken over his kidney, liver, and part of the intestines.  There was really
no hope for removal, so we let him go right there on the table.  It was the
best thing to do for him.
I'm too pragmatic and realistic to really believe in the whole Rainbow
Bridge thing, but I'm also not arrogant enough to say it doesn't exist.
So, just in case, Sandee, if you're out there and a nutty albino ferret who
likes to jump straight up in the air comes by, be sure to tell him Howdy
and take him to meet Scandal and Mr. Lugnut Chains.  And tell him he's
earned another exclamation point.
Missing Ka-Boing!!,
Limejello & The Weezils of Doom
[Posted in FML issue 3309]