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Tue, 23 Jan 2001 07:20:50 -0800
Kim Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
I don't like it.I don't know Kim.  Only by her posts here on FML.  I
offered to take in any 5 ferts from the NJ xmas rescue if anyone was taking
them out west this way.  People harp on what they don't know, exagerate
what little things they DO manage to find out and make a big deal out of
nothing.  Some times, and i mean sometimes, not often, you have a bad
day.or get sick.  When that happens, at our place, like it did this last
week, the ferts might go a few days without a clean litterbox.  I spent
4 days in bed, with a sinus infection AND Rhinitis both,on the verge of
bronchitis.  I'm prone to Sinus infections,getting them at least 4 or 5
times times a year.  I always get Rhinitis and/or bronchitis along with it,
which I was told by my Dr.(rhinitis/cold) can be transmitted to my ferts.
Roger and Todd( BF/son) feed them and water them for me.  But neither one
can stomach a litterbox, so until I'm better, the babies have to have a
dirty box.  I'm not afraid to say that I am human with human infirmities.
If you had stopp ed by out of the blue(and sometimes folks do) last week,
you'd be thinking ACK!  Horrible!  Maybe you'd think it were all the time.
Not so!  My ferrets ahve their own room, a playpen, about a hundred
different toys, lots of premium food (we switched from Iams kitten to
Eukanuba/Ferret store brand mixed) and full water bottles.  A ferret Wheel
they refuse to use, Ferretone, cheweasels, ferretvite, raisins, water
vitamins, milk crates,ladder freeways, a digging tub of wood pellets, home
made hammocks and blankies, tubes,empty soda pop boxes, litterboxes, wood
stove pellets for litter, roomy cages, AND- a cage half buried in sand
outside in the backyard for them to play in and dig in the
spring/summer/fall located half under the shade of a tree.  I've had a few
people bash me who never have been to my facility.I have a seperate food
bin for the rescues, so my own personal ferrets aren't eating what someone
might have donated.(which, to date, we have had only one food donation
which is LONG gone)All adoption fees ar e used to reimburse the costs I've
put into the ferret.  I refer sick ferrets to another shelter operator who
takes ONLY sick ferrets, so that our healthy ones aren't exposed to things
they shouldn't be.So you see, we are all human, and have a failing moment
or 2.Nobody out there is exempt to being less than perfect.  But, other
than when I have a sickness, the fuzzbutts are out getting excercize in
their room, and have clean cages.  I spend more on them than myself, and
wouldn't have it any other way.  They give me more than I can ever repay,
with the love they show, the joy and play, the silly antics which cheer me
up when some stupid person who is on the other side of the globe thinks
they know more than they do.  I tell you something, when someone spends
their time and effort being paranoid about something, and pointing fingers,
makes me wonder about them.The person who chronically suspects something in
others, is usually guilty of it themselves, and since THEY do it, isn't
everybody else out there trying to d o it to them too?I wish that folks who
bash a shelter, instead of spending all your energy jumping up and down and
attacking them, would step in and lend a helping hand.  If you have that
kind of time and energy to persecute, you have that kind of time and energy
to apply it positively.  Sure, I wish I'd get someone over some saturday to
help clean cages, and play with the shelter kids, but I don't really have
many, and it's something i chose to do myself, so I don't fret over it
because I CAN do it myself.  But for those with 30+ kids in house,they NEED
the extra hands.
You can make a fist and strike out to hurt, or you can open your hands to
help others.Same with your mouth.  You can command and demand with your
words, or encourage and support.What kind of person are you?
'nuff said.
Kim Wolf, Mystyx Samoyeds,MFX Ferrets, and Ferret Rescue.Member Critter
Haven East Region.Visit our Websites:
[Posted in FML issue 3307]