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Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:25:22 EST
Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
I will have to make this a short post, I am still very upset wih Bambi
passing away.  she was the first of the 4 ferrets rescued from the lady
with the jerky hubby.  she had her surgery done last week and a few days
later she died.  she was at the home of my wonderful vet Dr. K.  she had
developed green poops and the next morning she bled out and died.  I can
only suspect stress and the fact that she was tossed away by her owners.
I feel so bad about this, i wanted to save their lives, not kill them.
Maybe I should have waited to do the surgery, but she was in dire need of
having it done.
Bambi I'm sorry, please forgive me, I only wanted to see you get bettter
and be happy again.
Her 2 brothers and her sister are in a foster home right now getting 24
hour care as they have become depressed and stopped eating, they also have
stress diarrhea.  Brenda is a great foster mom and I know she'll pull them
[Posted in FML issue 3307]